

Dog-Bullet Our Training PhilosophyHave-Fun

At Dog Sports Northwest we believe the road to great training, whether it be to have a wonderful pet or a great performance dog must be one which enriches the lives of both the dog and the owner. We strive to continually offer a thorough approach to dog training so that you may navigate that path with confidence and joy!

We also believe dogs and people must be treated with respect and dignity at all times and that humor and fun are not only necessary for an enjoyable learning environment but for optimum learning to take place.

Dog-BulletGreat training equals fun training!

At DSNW we take dog training very seriously but that does not mean we don’t know how to have fun!  Quite the contrary; we believe the more seriously you take your training and the more committed you are to being a good educator the more fun it will be.

Dog-BulletGreat training creates a motivated dog!

We believe creating a motivated dog begins with the commitment and dedication of the owner.  A great trainer knows how to be dynamic and interesting.  She knows how to keep the lessons fresh and how to build knowledge carefully by layering one level of information on top of another, always thoroughly developing foundation skills before moving forward.  She is clear, concise, and fair and is willing to take responsibility for the success or failure of her dog.  She loves training!

Dog-BulletGreat training builds a strong bond between the owner and their dog!

When I began this dog training journey with my first dog Timmy I had one goal in mind and that was to build a bond of trust and love with my dog.  I never wanted to look into the eyes of my friend and see fear or mistrust.  When I began showing dogs I wanted to go in the show ring and deliver a good performance and be successful but never would I allow the pursuit of the blue ribbon or title break the bond of trust with my dog!!

Dog-BulletWe love FOUNDATION work!!

At Dog Sports Northwest we offer training programs designed to help you and your dog become the best working team you can be.  We believe the key to success in the world of dog training is FOUNDATION work!!     Working with our canine friends can be one of life’s most rewarding activities, not just for our dogs, but for us as well.  At Dog Sports Northwest we strive to provide the best instruction. To accomplish this, we must first commit to developing a solid foundation upon which to build our skills.

Dog-BulletWhat is FOUNDATION work?

Foundation work is the building block upon which all of your training is developed.     Simply put, we do not like to skip steps or take a less than completed behavior and try to build upon it.   Foundation work builds confidence, both for you and the dog. Confidence is a huge factor when it comes to any kind of training and performance; we want you and your dog to feel truly prepared for either taking a walk in the woods or tackling the tasks you will be asked to perform when you take that first step into the show ring!